Woman. Photo by Brendan Brown

What is “Not A Mommy Blog?”

In the words of NHL superstar Wayne Gretzky,“ You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

It was October of 2020 and with those words, an irresponsible dream and a little (okay, a lot) of liquid courage, I directed people to what would become the internationally recognized blog Reset-ish. Raw, unfiltered and unedited, I authored the troubled truths of my 26 years inside of an extremist, religious cult, situated in the middle of a Canadian suburb.

I am not a psychologist nor a world renowned cult expert. I am a homeschooled, right-wing, 1950s' style wife, Trump supporter Christian extremist turned kicked-out cult reject, domestic violence survivor, single parent to five and left-wing feminist atheist.

A majority of the population enjoy a good cult story: what happens within the walls, the control, the “wild” and disbelief of it all. However, what is not discussed and shared enough are the forward stories, the “how-to’s” and “how-do you’s?”

Who is behind the words?

I am not a psychologist nor a world renowned cult expert. I am a homeschooled, right-wing, 1950s' style wife, Trump supporter Christian extremist turned kicked-out cult reject, domestic violence survivor, single parent to five and left-wing feminist atheist. I believe in the educated theory expertise of therapists. I will fight for equitable access to therapy for all. However, I am a firm believer in the education that comes from the experience expertise of victims and survivors. If I told you that victims of religious trauma are turned away from therapists due to lack of understanding, would you believe me? And if I told you that victims of abuse are open to a higher risk of harm by coming forward, would you believe me?

Cult girl. 25, barefoot and pregnant with baby #4.

What is the purpose?

In a world wherein the lack of reachable resources and knowledge of religious trauma and victim support is concerning, my mantra has remained the same, “if I help just one person” it is worth it. Now with more than two years since the last Reset-ish post, my desire is to create something more inspirational and meaningful. The post trauma journey comes with a heavy feeling of ostracized. By sharing my story, I hope to minimize the shame and guilt that surrounds trauma survivors, offering a warm and guiding hand of relatability.

Why should I pay for a subscription?

Your contribution will help support and fill a gap in the recovery process. If you are not already a paid subsciber, please consider. With secondary education prohibited and the peak of my cult existence reached by the age of nineteen, (looking at you, motherhood) by subscribing, you would be supporting my improbable “worldly” cult childhood dream of being a writer. I would love for this passion of mine to become my full-time job that supports my family. With aspirations to do bigger and better things such as hosting “bootcamps” for survivors, your paid subscription would allow me to reach and help those in need.

It’s not a highlight reel. This is the hard, vulnerable and unfiltered.

It Takes Courage.

This isn’t fiction. What I write about is happening in your backyard, to the person pushing the cart in the same grocery store as you. The writing is hard, vulnerable and unfiltered. Oftentimes, I will give you more than you are ready for. If you want real and honest, that’s all I know how to do. Are you ready to see the world though a different lens and perspective?

Welcome to my corner of the internet, I am thrilled to have you here.


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I was born and raised inside of a religious cult, but at the age of 26, in March 2018, I found myself kicked out and into the terrifying outside world. With nothing but a cardboard box of religious trauma & kindergarten supplies, what the fuck happened?
